Clapper board: Tinkercad

Tinkercad is a free web app for 3D design, electronics and coding.

Today we start designing in 3D!

In this lesson, you will learn to design a clapperboard!

Tinkercad Shortcuts

To create good designs in a shorter amount of time, I highly recommend you get familiar with Tinkercad Shortcuts.

Let’s get started!

First, change the name of your project to «Clapperboard».

1. Drag a cube shape to the workplane and change the dimensions to 300x200x10

2. Let’s add a new workplane. Drag a Workplane to the top of the cube (Shortcut = W) and grab another cube. Make it 300x20x10:

3. Drag a cube shape and change the dimensions to 300x10x20:

4. Drag a cube shape and change the dimensions to 50x30x2:

5. Drag a cylinder shape and size it to 3mm:

6. Select both elements and group them together:

7. You have made a hole!

8. Remember that you can duplicate the cylinders!

9. Make more holes:

10. Duplicate it and move it to the bottom:

11. Add some text:

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